Frequently asked questions.

NestEgg offers a new service. Many people are very curious about the possibilities. We have answered a number of questions here. If your question is not listed, please contact us or schedule an appointment.

Can I stay in my house?

Yes, for as long as you want. Only when you and your partner, if any, leave the house will ownership pass. You will never pay interest or rent - even when the monthly payments have stopped. If you leave the house before your hundredth birthday, the monthly payments will continue as usual.

Will there be anything left for my children?

This is entirely up to you. During your lifetime, you can gift the proceeds of the monthly payments to them or enjoy them with them. This can also have tax advantages. NestEgg even offers the option - after your death - to have the remaining monthly payments passed on to your next of kin or paid out in a lump sum.

Who is NestEgg suitable for?

If you wish to continue living in your home and are looking to supplement your retirement, NestEgg may be the right solution for you. We developed the service for senior homeowners to bring them financial freedom without high costs.

How soon can I get started with NestEgg?

After you, your possible partner, children and/or advisor have had the opportunity to thoroughly review the information and our indicative offer, an appointment with the notary will be scheduled within 2 weeks. Once the registration has taken place you will receive a monthly payment.

It's your home - it stays that way.

We buy your house, but delivery does not take place until you leave the house. Even then the monthly payments continue as agreed.

It is your home and you retain full control over how long you wish to live there. All the agreements we make are notarized. With registration in the Land Register.

So you can face your future with NestEgg with peace of mind. Finally a fair and safe way of cashing in your surplus value.
